
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Fox & Friends : Fox News' Top Misinformer Of 2011 | Media Matters for America

Fox & Friends : Fox News' Top Misinformer Of 2011 | Media Matters for America: "Attacks On Muslims

Fox's Morris Used Fox & Friends Appearance to Promote Anti-Muslim Petition. On the August 31 edition of Fox & Friends, at the end of a discussion about the impact a vice presidential candidate could have on the GOP primary, Fox News contributor Dick Morris claimed that "the group that is pushing for the 9-11 mosque, two blocks from the Trade Center site, is now asking for federal funds." Morris mentioned a petition that would have prevented Park51 from using those funds "to help lower Manhattan recover" and provided a link to the petition on his website, asking viewers to "please click on it and sign up." [Fox News, Fox & Friends, 8/31/11, via Media Matters]"

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