
Sunday, December 25, 2011

24 Hour Vigil Occupy Xmas at Liberty Square NYC

 Contact: 347.292.1444 For this action only: Sebastian, 503.954.4229
 OCCUPY INTERFAITH CELEBRATION IN LIBERTY SQUARE      24 Hour “Occupy Christmas” Prayer Vigil, Sharing of Food, Poetry, Music   Several occupy movement faith groups will be hosting an interfaith gathering, inviting people of all cultures and religious beliefs to come and celebrate together. December 25 marks the 100th day of Occupy Wall Street.   “We are taught to close our doors and retract into the nuclear family, into our faith groups, into our nationalism, “ said Atiq Zabinski of OWS.  “Lets do something truly revolutionary and celebrate, meditate, pray, play, and eat together!"   SCHEDULE: December 25th starting at 12 AM-- a midnight service led by a minister from Judson Church will lead into a prayer vigil beginning at 2 AM, with breakfast served at 9 AM, followed by performances. At noon, Martin Luther King’s seminal “Beyond Vietnam” speech will be read – a radically anti-war speech broadening his message from civil rights. Following more music, a 3 PM holiday ‘potluck’ holiday meal from donations will be shared. At 4 PM, Ecclesia Ministry will offer communion, followed at 5 PM by poetry, storytelling and music until midnight Christmas night.   On behalf of Occupy Faith and Occupy Dignity, the New York Civil Liberties Union hand-delivered letters on Monday to the NYPD and Brookfield Properties alerting them to the plans.     “This event is aimed at bringing all people -- Christian, Jew, Muslim, Sikh, Theosophist, Marxist, Capitalist, Atheist, Agnostic -- together to learn about each other and to see that essentially we are different faces of the same being, existing in light and love, and that the time where we had to remain separate and suspicious of our subtle differences is over, said Zabinski.   Everyone, of every faith, belief and persuasion is welcome down at Liberty Square (formerly Zuccotti Park.)   Occupy Wall Street is part of an international people powered movement fighting for economic justice in the face of neoliberal economic practices, the crimes of Wall Street, and a government controlled by monied interests. #OWS is the 99% organizing to end the tyranny of the 1%. For more info
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