
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Newsvine - 2011: year of self-immolations | GlobalPost

Newsvine - 2011: year of self-immolations | GlobalPost: "JAKARTA, Indonesia — When news broke here in early December that a young Indonesian student had doused himself in gasoline, lit a match and ran flaming toward the presidential palace, Indonesians reacted with shock and confusion.

An outpouring of supporters set up vigil at the hospital where he clung to life, as speculation swirled about why the man had set himself alight.

Those who knew him say he actively participated in rallies and demonstrations against the government, and they believe his act was one of protest. If so, his would be the first self-immolation in Indonesia, a country where protesters are more often polite and peaceful than rambunctious, even in large numbers.

On Dec. 10 the student, Sondang Hutagalung, died from extensive burn wounds, seemingly the latest victim of an extreme form of protest that has captivated the world in 2011."

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