
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Newsvine - Against all odds: 'Virginity test' victim awaits her verdict

Newsvine - Against all odds: 'Virginity test' victim awaits her verdict: "CAIRO — Samira Ibrahim, who pursued legal action against the Egyptian military for allegedly forcing her to undergo a ‘virginity test,’ anxiously awaits the verdict of the State Council on November 29.

Five human rights organizations are supporting her case against the military and the case garnered interest in the international media. Her case could break new ground for women’s rights, but Ibrahim has been warned by her own lawyers that it is an uphill battle and that there is little in the way of physical evidence.

Still, Ibrahim remains persistent in her fight to make sure no Egyptian woman will be coerced by the army to go through ‘virginity testing,‘ which her lawyers argue constitutes an unlawful sexual assault under both Egyptian and International law.

“I know the odds are against me,” Ibrahim admits."

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