
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Fox & Friends : Fox News' Top Misinformer Of 2011 | Media Matters for America

Fox & Friends : Fox News' Top Misinformer Of 2011 | Media Matters for America: "Doocy: "He Could End It Simply -- Just Show [The Birth Certificate] To Us." During an interview with Donald Trump on the April 18 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends, co-host Steve Doocy responded to Trump's claim that President Obama "has not given a birth certificate" by saying, "He could end it simply -- just show it to us, and it'd be over." [Fox News, Fox & Friends, 4/18/11, via Media Matters]

Doocy: Birth Certificate Produced By Obama's Campaign "Is Not The Exact Birth Certificate." After airing Trump's birther claims from an appearance on ABC's The View, Doocy stated during the March 24 edition of Fox & Friends that the Obama "campaign did produce -- before the election -- something called a certificate of live birth, which is not the exact birth certificate, but something that the state says indicates that he was born there." [Fox News, Fox & Friends, 3/24/11, via Media Matters]"

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