
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Steve Jobs Was A Jerk, You Shouldn't Be - Forbes

Steve Jobs Was A Jerk, You Shouldn't Be - Forbes: "Steve Jobs was a major, world-class jerk. A friend who knows about these things — but not Steve — wonders if he wasn’t at least a borderline sociopath.

If you define that as someone who does evil things and doesn’t feel remorse, the picture of a smirking Steve Jobs does begin to emerge.

Jobs was busy changing the world and minor annoyances like people’s feelings didn’t fit into his plan. If you had something he wanted, Steve could be charming. But Steve did things his way, almost for himself, building the things he wanted and if we loved them, that was good too. If not, it took a long time for Steve to accept that customers were right and he was wrong."

'via Blog this'

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