
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Fracking Does Contaminate Groundwater: Carry on Drilling Regardless - Forbes

Fracking Does Contaminate Groundwater: Carry on Drilling Regardless - Forbes: "The EPA’s report on groundwater contamination by fracking (or frakking to taste) for natural gas says that the process does indeed contaminate ground water. So now we’ve got to decide should be the reaction to that: my contribution to the debate is that we should carry on drilling regardless.

ProPublica’s report on the EPA’s paper is here, the EPA’s paper itself is here and a very good indeed technical precis is here at Ars Technica.

Stripped right to its roots the report states that deep groundwater has been contaminated as a result of frakking. Both from the frakking chemicals themselves and also with methane that has, as a result of the frakking, seeped into the water."

'via Blog this'

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