
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Financing Human Rights violations in Indonesia (II)

Financing Human Rights violations in Indonesia (II): "FINANCIAL UNDERWRITERS:

After extensive library research and interviews with sources in Indonesia and abroad, it can be concluded that ten conglomerate owners have been involved in financing military and paramilitary violence in Indonesia.

Six of these conglomerates or conglomerate groups are owned by members of Soeharto's extended family, namely Sudwikatmono, Siti Hardiyanti Rukmana (Tutut), Probosutedjo, Bambang Trihatmodjo, Titiek Prabowo and her brother-in-law, Hashim Djojohadikusumo, and the current fugitive Hurtomo Mandala Putra, aka Tommy Suharto.

Meanwhile, eight other conglomerates are more closely linked to Army, but have also close ties to the Soeharto family. Those are the group of companies linked to the Army's Strategic Reserve Command (KOSTRAD), the companies linked to the retired generals' Yayasan Kejuangan Panglima Besar (Jenderal) Sudirman, the Army's Tri Usaha Bhakti (TRUBA) Group, Tomy Winata's Artha Graha Group, Prajogo Pangestu's Barito Pacific Group, Burhan Uray's Djajanti Group, Ciputra's Ciputra Group, and Murdaya Widayawimarta's Cipta Cakra Murdaya Group."

'via Blog this'

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