
Monday, November 28, 2011

What's in A Name? -

What's in A Name? - " - Shortly after its introduction in 2001 by Goldman Sachs, the term BRIC -- short for Brazil, Russia, India and China -- was on investors' lips the world over. Since then investment banks and money managers have been searching for the next hot investment acronym.

The latest entry: CARBS. In a recent report called “CARBS Make You Strong,“ Citigroup argues that Canada, Australia, Russia, Brazil and South Africa should be lumped together because their markets and currencies are particularly sensitive to changes in commodity prices.

Thus CARBS has joined MINTS (Malaysia, Indonesia, New Zealand, Thailand and Singapore), CIVETS (Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa) and MIST (Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea and Turkey) among cleverly named country groupings. The concept has even spread to the developed markets: On Tuesday, Russ Koesterich, chief investment strategist at iShares, made the case for CASSH -- Canada, Australia, Singapore, Switzerland and Hong Kong. "

'via Blog this'

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