
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Newsvine - Fox News Tells OWS There's No Such Thing As Income Inequality

Newsvine - Fox News Tells OWS There's No Such Thing As Income Inequality: "This is what Fox and Friends guest Tony Katz has to say about income inequality, and the unemployed getting a job, “Well, it’s a twofold conversation. It’s never actually easy, but it’s impossible if you don’t look, and secondly, part of this conversation is that we’ve created, as Newt was alluding to, this fantasy world where kids go to college everything was paid for, it’s an unbelievably beautiful scene, and they expect everything to be handed to them when they leave college because they had professors who teach them that everything should be handed to you. When it’s not handed to them, they get upset and engage in this ridiculous conversation of income inequality.”"

'via Blog this'

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