
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Newsvine - Thanks For The Memories: The Top Five Conservative Crazy Of 2011

Newsvine - Thanks For The Memories: The Top Five Conservative Crazy Of 2011: "What am I thankful for this year? I am thankful the conservative movement has stopped trying to pretend to be something that they are not.
Instead of masquerading as "compassionate conservatives" who want "clear skies," "personal retirement accounts," protect Medicare" and "tax relief" for all, today's conservative just lays it on the table:
Tax the poor. Deregulate the rich. Drill Baby Drill. Filibuster the jobs bills. And to hell with Social Security and Medicare.
Before we enter the sweeps month of the "GOP 2012" reality TV show -- when the crazy will be turned up to 11 -- let's pause before Thanksgiving, and give thanks for the many wonderful crazy moments conservatives have shared with us so far this year, so we all know exactly what conservatives would do to America if given the chance."

'via Blog this'

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