
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Buah Manggis Banyak Manfaatnya

Buah Manggis Banyak Manfaatnya: "Buah manggis dipercayai amat berkhasiat terutama di bahagian kulit dalam manggis dan biji buah manggis. Secara tradisional kulit manggis yang telah digiling digunakan untuk merawat penyakit seperti malaria, TBC, penyakit kulit, diare dan dsentry. Di Thailand, buah manggis dijemur dan dikeringkan untuk membuat bahan kosmetik seperti shampo, sabun untuk menghaluskan kulit dan mencegah penyakit kulit.

Di Malaysia, seduhan daun manggis dicampur dengan pisang muda dan sedikit kapur barus digunakan "

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Fruits Which Makes the Teeth Become White | Health and Beauty Tips Today

Fruits Which Makes the Teeth Become White | Health and Beauty Tips Today: "Fruits Which Makes the Teeth Become White
4 Fruits, Which Makes the Teeth Become White,White teeth, clean and healthy, of course we all want, in addition to a healthy, would be a more attractive appearance. but what happens if our teeth yellow, fruits munkin 4 below can help to whiten teeth."

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Technolog - iPhone 4S drove many of us to cancel contracts

Technolog - iPhone 4S drove many of us to cancel contracts: "How badly did many of us want the new iPhone 4S? Badly enough to break our contracts with wireless carriers and pay an early termination fee to get the phone, according to some new research.
Consumer Intelligence Research Partners surveyed 4S buyers between Oct. 31 and Nov. 10 and found that "45 percent said they had broken a contract with their current or previous carrier to buy or upgrade to the device. Of those, more than 70 percent paid an early termination fee greater than $100 to do so," according to AllThingsD."

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Technolog - Rumor: iPad will get Microsoft Office in 2012

Technolog - Rumor: iPad will get Microsoft Office in 2012: "According to "sources," The Daily is reporting that Microsoft will launch Office for iPad, as well as a new Mac edition.
The notion that Microsoft is at work on this wouldn't be farfetched — Office has thrived on the Mac, and Microsoft doesn't ignore huge markets. As for timing, The Daily's Matt Hickey reports that a new Office for Mac and an Office for Windows 8 would launch near the end of 2012, presumably when Windows 8 itself launches. Meanwhile, the iPad version could launch "well ahead of that date."
As for Microsoft (which, along with NBC Universal, is a co-owner of, a spokesperson could only tell us, "We have nothing to share at this time.""

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Red Tape - Exclusive: Millions of printers open to devastating hack attack, researchers say

Red Tape - Exclusive: Millions of printers open to devastating hack attack, researchers say: "Could a hacker from half-way around the planet control your printer and give it instructions so frantic that it could eventually catch fire? Or use a hijacked printer as a copy machine for criminals, making it easy to commit identity theft or even take control of entire networks that would otherwise be secure?
It’s not only possible, but likely, say researchers at Columbia University, who claim they've discovered a new class of computer security flaws that could impact millions of businesses, consumers, and even government agencies."

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Technolog - Study: 99% of Android phones vulnerable to attack

Technolog - Study: 99% of Android phones vulnerable to attack: "Bad news for Android users! A study shows that 99 percent of Android phones are vulnerable to a security attack which allows hackers to access their Google accounts.
Researchers at the University of Ulm tested Android versions 2.1, 2.2, 2.2.1, 2.3.3, 2.3.4, and 3.0 only to find that devices running anything prior to Android 2.3.4 can easily be compromised with the attack method used. Considering that nearly all Android phones are running software version 2.3.3. and below, this means that about 99 percent of devices are vulnerable."

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Digital Life - iPhone self-combusts on plane

Digital Life - iPhone self-combusts on plane: "There are plenty of "no smoking" signs plastered throughout airplane cabins, but that didn't stop one iPhone from self-combusting on a flight heading from Lismore to Sydney recently. No one was hurt, but quite a few folks are likely to be glancing at their mobile devices with some fear now."

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Technolog - Survey: People like taking their phones into the bathroom

Technolog - Survey: People like taking their phones into the bathroom: "Smartphone users are obsessive when it comes to their devices and have absolutely no qualms about using their phones while in the bathroom, a recent survey reveals.
TechCrunch reports that the survey was commissioned by Google and focused specifically on smartphone users. It reveals a great deal about their favorite obsession — and just how far they sometimes take it."

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Digital Life - Survey: 62% of Americans watch over 3 hours of TV daily

Digital Life - Survey: 62% of Americans watch over 3 hours of TV daily: "The next time you feel guilty about wasting half an hour on watching a sitcom, consider this: 62 percent of Americans spend more than three hours glued to their television sets each day.
Sony Electronics shared this statistic after commissioning research firm Harris Interactive to survey more than 2,500 U.S.-based adults in order to learn more about their television watching habits."

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Technolog - AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile use Carrier IQ, but don't collect personal info

Technolog - AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile use Carrier IQ, but don't collect personal info: "Three of the nation's four largest wireless carriers — AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile — say they use Carrier IQ's controversial key-logging software, say they do not use it to monitor subscribers' activities. The Carrier IQ program is an analytical tool, strictly to "improve wireless network and service performance," not to track users' personal data, said AT&T.
Sprint said in a statement that Carrier IQ software helps "analyze our network performance and identify where we should be improving service," but it does not "and cannot look at the contents of messages, photos, videos, etc., using this tool. The information collected is not sold and we don't provide a direct feed of this data to anyone outside of Sprint.""

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For monster crickets, size matters - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

For monster crickets, size matters - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience - "Female giant weta crickets are huge. At about 0.7 ounces (20 grams), they're one of the world's heaviest insects. But the males are about half their size. Now scientists know why.
In a surprising way, size really matters in this species.
Males that are lighter and have longer legs are more successful at mating. The reason: They can travel farther to find a female."

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Eight insects with ‘ick’ factor - Technology & science - Science -

Eight insects with ‘ick’ factor - Technology & science - Science - "Many insects provide humans with unheralded services such as pollination, sustenance, and pest control, but some of them gross us out — or worse. Take dung beetles such as the one shown in this image, for example. As their name implies, the insects process feces for their livelihoods. The service helps reduce fertilizer costs on grazed agricultural lands and cuts down on the number of flies and parasites the piles of manure would otherwise attract. But a life of dung? Ick.
Click the "Next" arrow above to learn about seven more insects with "ick" factors that make us squirm, or much worse."

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PhotoBlog - World's biggest bug? That depends...

PhotoBlog - World's biggest bug? That depends...: "Alan Boyle writes
Is this the world's biggest bug? As with all superlatives, it depends on your definition. But the sight of a New Zealand giant weta chomping down on a carrot surely has to give you the creeps, even if it's rivaled by other giant creepy crawlies.
This particular species of the cricketlike creature — known as a giant weta or wetapunga to the Maori, and as Deinacrida heteracantha to scientists — is found only in protected areas such as New Zealand's Little Barrier Island. That's where Mark ("Doctor Bugs") Moffett, an entomologist and explorer at the Smithsonian Institution, found the specimen after two nights of searching."

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Newsvine - Cops: Woman tried to smuggle drugs in hollow Bible

Newsvine - Cops: Woman tried to smuggle drugs in hollow Bible: "LANCASTER — Deputies in South Carolina say a woman used two hollowed-out Bibles to try to smuggle weapons, drugs and a cell phone to a prison inmate.

Sheriff Barry Faile said Monday authorities began investigating 28-year-old Shareca Latoya Jones earlier this month after a package mailed to Lieber Correctional Institution was returned to a post office in Lancaster. Inside the package were two Bibles containing razor knives, a cell phone, ecstasy pills and more than 28 grams of cocaine."

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New Seven Wonders of Nature: Controversy over campaign behind new list | Mail Online

New Seven Wonders of Nature: Controversy over campaign behind new list | Mail Online: "The ethics of the campaign to discover the New Seven Wonders of Nature are under question, after allegations that organisers asked candidate locations to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees.

The project was supposed to help protect the world’s natural environment but is now being criticised for its lack of transparency.

Tourism officials in the Maldives and Indonesia have expressed concern about the voting methods and fees charged by the organisation that runs the campaign, according to a report by the Daily Telegraph.


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Oh dear! Michele Bachmann becomes latest political blunderer after saying she would close the U.S. Embassy in Iran (only there hasn't been one for 30 years) | Mail Online

Oh dear! Michele Bachmann becomes latest political blunderer after saying she would close the U.S. Embassy in Iran (only there hasn't been one for 30 years) | Mail Online: "Matthew Smith tweeted: 'Michele Bachmann, who is on the House Intelligence Committee, says she will close our Iranian Embassy if elected. #WeDontHaveOne.'

It wasn't long before her campaign went into damage-limitation mode by saying her comments were 'hypothetical'."

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Oh dear! Michele Bachmann becomes latest political blunderer after saying she would close the U.S. Embassy in Iran (only there hasn't been one for 30 years) | Mail Online

Oh dear! Michele Bachmann becomes latest political blunderer after saying she would close the U.S. Embassy in Iran (only there hasn't been one for 30 years) | Mail Online: "Iran is proving a real thorn in the side of American politicians in recent days.

But this time it's less to do with the provocative muscle-flexing of the Middle Eastern country's top brass and more to do with some rather embarrassing gaps in the foreign policy knowledge of their U.S. counterparts.

First it was President Barack Obama who slipped up when he spoke out to denounce the attack on the 'English' Embassy in Tehran when it's actually British."

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bagir Manan: No Need to Comment on Collapsed Bridge Case -

Bagir Manan: No Need to Comment on Collapsed Bridge Case - "MAKASSAR, - Press Council Chairman Prof. Dr. Bagir Manan called on observers and incompetent parties not to comment a lot about Saturday`s collapse of Kartanegara bridge in Tenggarong, Kutai Kartanegara district, East Kalimantan.

"It (comment) will make the people confused, all parties should refrain from giving comments about the disaster in Tenggarong," Bagir said on the sidelines of a media dialogue here in cooperation with the national radio broadcasting system RRI on Monday.

"What should be done now is to spread sympathy to the bereaved families of the victims of the collapsed bridge tragedy," he said.

According to him, the media cannot share material contribution, but the government does that. However, in this case the press has functions to distribute information that can raise the people’s feeling of sympathy which will later turn into solidarity. "

Bagir also reminded that one of the press functions is to distribute advantageous information to the public because it is the public rights to know. In the meantime, President Yudhoyono had ordered the related parties to investigate immediately the cause of Saturday`s collapse of the Kutai Kartanegara bridge.

The 700-m long bridge over the Mahakam river in East Kalimantan province collapsed at 4.30 pm on Saturday causing a number of vehicles to fall into the river. The number of dead victims found at the location of the collapsed bridge in Tenggarong, Kutai Kertanegara, East Kalimatan until Monday afternoon reached 13, a provincial administration spokesman said.

Sumber :

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What's Wrong with The Bridge Collapsing in Indonesia -

What's Wrong with The Bridge Collapsing in Indonesia - "JAKARTA, - Indonesian engineers expressed concern over the collapse on Saturday of Indonesia’s 10-year old Kutai Kartanegara bridge which spans 710 meters over the Mahakam river in East Kalimantan.

Reportedly built with a high technology and has a suspended section of 270 meters over the river, the bridge collapsed at 4.30 pm local time when traffic was busy on it.

"All parties involved, beginning from its designers, contractors and operational period, must be held responsible. The incident must be investigated thoroughly to disclose whether it has been built based on the required construction standards," Chairman of the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) Said Didu said."

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Award on Mine Area Reclamation Handed to PTNNT -

Award on Mine Area Reclamation Handed to PTNNT - "JAKARTA, – Today PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT) received “2010 One Billion Indonesian Trees” Award from Indonesia's Forestry Ministry in the commemoration of the “Indonesia Tree Planting Day and National Planting Month of 2011” at Merah Putih Hill, Indonesia Peace and Security Centre, Sentul, Bogor, West Java, on Monday.

The Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan, S.E, M.M personally granted the Award to a number of businesses, universities, and community organizations, for their success and participation in forestry development and supporting the success of the 2011 One Billion Trees.

PTNNT is one of the three mine companies who received the award for mine reclamation category. The company has conducted reclamation despite of the mine operation is underway, i.e. by planting 1800 plants per hectare on 689 hectares of disturbed land."

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[Kembang Plastik] Dua Nyonya

[Kembang Plastik] Dua Nyonya: "“Kita harus batasi anak-anak kita dari pengaruh teknologi Jeng, jangan sampai mereka kebablasan, pengaruh teknologi sekarang sudah sangat parah”

“Ya harus dong jeng, kita bahkan harus lebih ketat ngawasin anak-anak kita, jangan sampai mereka terpengaruh atau terjebak oleh dunia maya, bahaya!”

begitu percakapan dua Nyonya di sebuah restoran di hotel mewah di kota Metropolis pada sore menjelang malam, begitu akrab dan begitu seriusnya mereka membahas ini, tentu sambil di iringi gelak tawa sambil sesekali mengangkat gelas minuman mereka.

“sekarang semua konten-konten di internet sangat-sangat berbahaya untuk perkembangan mental anak jeng, kita harus mengambil langkah yang tepat agar anak-anak kita terhindar dari hal-hal seperti itu jeng”

“betul jeng, saya setuju, saya dukung itu”"

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Bibit Kayu Jabon

Bibit Kayu Jabon: "Selamatkan Hutan Indonesia Selamatkan Hutan Dunia

Ya, dengan uang muka 5 juta Anda sudah mulai investasi Kayu Jabon seluas 1 Hektar dengan pola bagi hasil dan sisanya
diangsur 416 ribu rupiah per bulan selama 36 bulan

Kami tawarkan dengan

KONSEP SYARIAH Adapun investasi tanaman kayu Jabon ini di tawarkan dengan konsep BAGI HASIL dengan skim sebagai berikut : Investor = 50 % Desa (Pemilik lahan) = 10 % Petani penggarap = 30 % Pengelola CV. SJI = 10 % Total = 100 % "

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Seminar Kupas Tuntas Bisnis Jabon

Seminar Kupas Tuntas Bisnis Jabon: "Semakin menipisnya persediaan kayu hasil hutan alam, berbanding terbalik dengan angka kebutuhan kayu untuk sektor industri. Angka kebutuhan kayu, setiap tahun selalu mengalami peningkatan. Itulah mengapa, diperlukan sebuah upaya untuk menciptakan kondisi guna menjaga ketersediaan jumlah kayu sebagai bahan baku Industri."

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Bibit Kayu Jabon


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Orang Seperti Ini, Pantaskah Menjadi Pemimpin KPK?

Orang Seperti Ini, Pantaskah Menjadi Pemimpin KPK?: "Washington, 29 November 2011

Siang ini saya mendapat kiriman link mengenai seorang mantan anggota Polri yang menjalani tes uji kelayakan dan kepatutan untuk menjadi pemimpin KPK, namanya Irjen (Purn) Aryanto Sutadi, dimana dalam wawancaranya dengan para anggota Komisi II DPR RI, menjelaskan sesuatu yang sangat memalukan, dalam menjustifikasi perbuatannya memanipulasi berapa banyak aset dan kekayaan milik nya.

Ini cuplikan saya Copas dari"

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What's in A Name? -

What's in A Name? - " - Shortly after its introduction in 2001 by Goldman Sachs, the term BRIC -- short for Brazil, Russia, India and China -- was on investors' lips the world over. Since then investment banks and money managers have been searching for the next hot investment acronym.

The latest entry: CARBS. In a recent report called “CARBS Make You Strong,“ Citigroup argues that Canada, Australia, Russia, Brazil and South Africa should be lumped together because their markets and currencies are particularly sensitive to changes in commodity prices.

Thus CARBS has joined MINTS (Malaysia, Indonesia, New Zealand, Thailand and Singapore), CIVETS (Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa) and MIST (Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea and Turkey) among cleverly named country groupings. The concept has even spread to the developed markets: On Tuesday, Russ Koesterich, chief investment strategist at iShares, made the case for CASSH -- Canada, Australia, Singapore, Switzerland and Hong Kong. "

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Samsung Targets 2 Mln Sales of New Galaxy Device -

Samsung Targets 2 Mln Sales of New Galaxy Device - "SEOUL, - South Korea’s Samsung Electronics Monday launched domestically its latest Android-powered Galaxy device — the Galaxy Note — and said it hopes to sell as many as two million.

The company gave no timeframe for the forecast sales of the Note, which is already available in other countries. The Note, with a 5.3-inch (13.5 centimetre) screen, is positioned between the firm’s flagship Android-equipped Galaxy smartphone and its Galaxy Tab.

The Note, with a larger screen than the smartphone but smaller the than tablet, suggests the company is seeking a head start in the market for a model combining both functions. Samsung said the device combines the portability of a smartphone with the larger screen of a tablet.

“Galaxy Note is a revolutionary product opening a new category in the market,” said JK Shin, head of the mobile communications business, in a statement. The firm also launched the Galaxy Nexus, the first smartphone to run on Google’s newest Android operating system which has been dubbed the “Ice Cream Sandwich”."

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Ex-Indonesian Official Guilty in Used Train Case -

Ex-Indonesian Official Guilty in Used Train Case - "JAKARTA, — An Indonesian anti-corruption court has found a former railways official guilty of improperly procuring 60 used trains from a Japanese firm.

Former Director General Soemino Eko Saputro of the Transportation Ministry was sentenced Monday to three years in jail and fined $11,000 for obtaining the trains in 2006 and 2007 using a no-bid process.

Presiding judge Marsudin Nainggolan said the actions of the official — who along with others benefited from the deal financially — cost Indonesia around $2.26 million.

Three Japanese defendants from Sumitomo Corp. face similar charges over the case at home. The advocacy group Transparency International regularly lists Indonesia as among the most corrupt nations"

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Newsvine - Woman alleges long affair with Cain

Newsvine - Woman alleges long affair with Cain: "WASHINGTON — In an explosive allegation, a Georgia woman said Monday she and Herman Cain had a 13-year extramarital affair that lasted nearly until the former businessman announced his candidacy for the White House several months ago.

"Here we go again. I didn't do anything wrong," Cain said in a pre-emptive denial that lumped the accusation of a consensual affair in with earlier claims of sexual harassment.

But the woman, Ginger White, said in an interview with Fox 5 Atlanta that over the years, Cain bought her airplane tickets so she could join him in different cities."

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Studi Banding di Amerika untuk Bangun Jembatan Kukar -

Studi Banding di Amerika untuk Bangun Jembatan Kukar - "AKARTA, - Jembatan Gerbang Dayaku Kutai Kartanegara (Kukar) yang membentang di atas Sungai Mahakam dibuat serupa dengan Jembatan Golden Gate di Amerika. Pembangunan jembatan yang menghubungan antara Tenggarong dan Tenggarong Seberang ini dilakukan setelah melakukan studi banding di Amerika. Hal ini diungkapkan oleh Direktur Jenderal (Dirjen) Bina Marga Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum Djoko Murjanto.

"Studi-studi ada banyak. Kita studi ke sana. Yang sekolah di Amerika kan banyak," ujar Djoko di Jakarta, Senin (28/11/2011).

Ia menyatakan, semua sisi teknis dari jembatan itu telah dipelajari dari jembatan di Amerika. Namun, ia tak tahu apakah semua yang dipelajari tersebut juga diaplikasikan untuk jembatan di Kukar tersebut.

"Itu lagi kita investigasi. Belum tahu (sama secara teknis atau tidak)," tuturnya.

Seperti yang diketahui, Jembatan Kutai Kartanegara merupakan jembatan kedua yang dibangun melintasi Sungai Mahakam setelah Jembatan Mahakam di Samarinda. Jembatan ini dikenal sebagai Golden Gate-nya Kalimantan."

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Perawatan Jembatan Tanpa Pedoman Teknis PU -

Perawatan Jembatan Tanpa Pedoman Teknis PU - "JAKARTA, - Perawatan dan pemeliharaan Jembatan Gerbang Dayaku Kutai Kartanegara (Kukar) yang berdiri di atas Sungai Mahakam selama 10 tahun ini dilakukan tanpa pedoman teknis perawatan dari Kementerian PU, tepatnya Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga. Pernyataan ini diungkapkan oleh Direktur Jenderal (Dirjen) Bina Marga Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum, Djoko Murjanto.

Menurut Djoko, hal itu terjadi karena jembatan yang merupakan "Golden Gate"-nya Kalimantan itu bukan jembatan milik Kementerian PU, melainkan milik Pemerintah Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur. Pedoman itu hanya dipakai untuk jembatan milik PU.

Oleh karena itu, Pemkab Kukar hanya mengundang PU untuk berkonsultasi dalam melakukan perawatan, tapi tidak dapat menggunakan pedoman tersebut "Pedoman teknisnya itu sudah ada untuk jembatan bentang panjang, itu kalau untuk jembatan milik PU. Itu sudah ada. Yang belum ada edarannya untuk jembatan yang bukan milik PU," ujar Djoko di Jakarta, Senin (28/11/2011)."

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Beredar, Live Video Amatir Robohnya Jembatan Kukar

Beredar, Live Video Amatir Robohnya Jembatan Kukar: "Salam.

Perkembangan teknologi yang pesat memang sangat membantu. Kali ini terkait dengan peristiwa tragis robohnya Jembatan Kukar pada hari Sabtu kemarin. Seorang pengguna Youtube bernama hwarangkutai menggunggah video amatir yang merekam detik-detik runtuhnya jembatan kebanggaan Kutai Kartanegara itu. Video ini berjudul ”Jembatan Kutai Kertanegara Runtuh (live dari Pulau Kumala)“. Dari keterangan waktu unggahan, video ini tampaknya diunggah pada tanggal 27 November 2011 kemarin, atau tepat sehari setelah kejadian.

Video yang berdurasi 6 menit 6 detik ini tampaknya menggunakan rekaman dari HP karena kualitas gambar yang buram. Walau begitu, video ini sangat dramatis dalam menggambarkan runtuhnya jembatan. Detik-detik pertama menggambarkan sepasang remaja pria dan wanita yang sedang merekam aktifitas sore di Pulau Kumala. Hingga detik ke-15, masih terlihat latar belakang Jembatan Kukar yang masih berdiri tegak."

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

FCX_Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. - Worldwide Operations, Videos

FCX_Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. - Worldwide Operations, Videos: "
Worldwide Operations > Videos


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FCX_Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. - Worldwide Operations, Grasberg Mining Complex

FCX_Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. - Worldwide Operations, Grasberg Mining Complex: "Description: FCX is engaged in exploration and development, mining and milling of ore containing copper, gold and silver in the Grasberg minerals district.

Did You Know? PT Freeport Indonesia commenced mining operations at this site in 1972 and in 1988 discovered the Grasberg mine. Today, after significant production, the Grasberg mining district contains the world’s largest recoverable copper reserve and the largest gold reserve.

Location: The remote highlands of the Sudirman Range in the province of Papua, Indonesia, which is on the western half of the Island of New Guinea.

Ownership: 90.64% FCX (including 9.36% owned through our wholly owned subsidiary, PT Indocopper Investama); 9.36% the government of Indonesia.

Mines, Processes and Facilities: Three mines are currently in operation: the Grasberg open pit, the Deep Ore Zone (DOZ) underground block cave and the Big Gossan open stoping mine."

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FCX_Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. - Worldwide Operations, Indonesia

FCX_Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. - Worldwide Operations, Indonesia: "The Grasberg minerals district contains the largest single recoverable copper reserve and the largest single gold reserve in the world based on the latest available reserve data provided by third-party industry consultants. Grasberg is at the heart of a highly prospective minerals district, where ongoing exploration is providing opportunities to continue to add to our long-lived reserves.

PT Freeport Indonesia operates under a Contract of Work (COW) with the government of Indonesia, which allows us to conduct exploration, mining and production activities in the 27,400-acre Block A area, which is where all of PT Freeport Indonesia's proven and probable mineral reserves and current mining operations are located. Under the COW, PT Freeport Indonesia also conducts exploration activities in the approximate 500,000-acre Block B area."

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Drilling & Blasting

Drilling & Blasting: "Drilling and Blasting
Large drilling rigs bore a carefully designed pattern of holes approximately 12 inches in diameter and 60 feet deep into the rock. The holes are filled with an explosive compound of fuel oil and ammonium nitrate. Upon detonation, thousands of tons of ore are fragmented in a single blast."

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Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc.

Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc.: "Learn how Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. carefully drills deep into the earth mining for copper ore. Follow the process each step of the way from Drilling to Electrowinning to Market. Take an inside look at how the raw ore is sifted, refining and manufactured into the copper products you depend on. Click on an icon to begin the tour."

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FCX_Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. - Our Company, History

FCX_Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. - Our Company, History: "Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. was formed in the late 1980’s as a spin-off from the parent company Freeport-McMoRan Inc. The “Freeport” organization has roots in the minerals industry going back to the early 1900’s. These highlights are followed by a summary of the Phelps Dodge Corporation, which became part of the FCX organization in 2007.

1988: Grasberg copper-gold deposit discovered in Indonesia. Twenty percent of Freeport-McMoRan Copper (FCX) spun off from parent company and taken public on NYSE.

1989: A series of expansions initiated following the Grasberg discovery."

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FCX_Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. - Our Company, Who we Are

FCX_Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. - Our Company, Who we Are: "Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. (FCX) is a leading international mining company with headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona. FCX operates large, long-lived, geographically diverse assets with significant proven and probable reserves of copper, gold and molybdenum. FCX is the world’s largest publicly traded copper producer and has a dynamic portfolio of operating, expansion and growth projects in the copper industry. FCX is also the world’s largest producer of molybdenum and a significant gold producer."

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FCX_Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. - Careers, Current Opportunities

FCX_Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. - Careers, Current Opportunities: "Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. is a leading international mining company with headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona. We operate large, long-lived, geographically diverse assets on four continents, with significant proven and probable reserves of copper, gold and molybdenum.

As a core value, we pledge to continuously improve in meeting our commitment to work in the most safe, inclusive, environmentally and socially responsible manner practicable. Safety and health initiatives, both on and off the job, are a critically important investment in our employees.

At Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. we strive to provide the best environment possible for a well-trained and diverse workforce."

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FCX Copper, Gold and Molybdenum Producer, Copper Mining | Refining Company

FCX Copper, Gold and Molybdenum Producer, Copper Mining | Refining Company: "Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. is the world's largest publicly traded copper company. We mine geographically diverse, long-lived reserves of copper, gold and molybdenum."

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Gumusut | About Shell

Gumusut | About Shell: "Shell has been a leader in deepwater exploration and production for the last 30 years. The Gumusut field offshore Malaysia lies in water depth up to 1,220 metres deep. Shell has a 33% interest in this development.

Key facts

Depth: ~1,220 metres
Interests: Shell 33% (operator), ConocoPhillips Sabah 33%, Petronas Carigali 20%, Murphy Sabah Oil 14%
Fields: Gumusut
Design Production: 135 kbbl/d
Key contractors: MISC Berhad, FMC Technologies, Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering, Atwood Oceanics, JP Kenny

The Gumusut field is the first deepwater opportunity for Shell in Malaysia. Sabah Shell Petroleum Company will be operator of the development, which will employ Malaysia’s first deepwater semi-submersible production system. The field will be developed using 19 subsea wells with oil exported via a pipeline to a new oil and gas terminal, which will be built in Kimanis, Sabah. The production system will have a capacity of 135,000 bbl/d. Natural gas that is produced along with the oil will be re-injected into the reservoir to help improve oil recovery."

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Energy Efficiency | United States

Energy Efficiency | United States: "Meeting rising energy demand will take a range of energy sources, from fossil fuels to renewables. But developing large-scale new sources of energy will take decades. Energy efficiency is critical in building this low-carbon future. At Shell we are working to make our operations more energy efficient. For our customers we offer more advanced fuels and lubricants, as well as driving tips, to make fuel stretch further."

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Let's Go | United States

Let's Go | United States: "Global energy demand is rising and so are consumer expectations – more people want energy from cleaner sources. At Shell we are unlocking new energy sources and squeezing more from what we have. Together with others we are finding ways to lower our emissions and helping customers to do the same. In building a better energy future we all have a part to play – let’s go."

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Newsvine - Unpatriotic Mitt: "America's just another nation with a flag"

Newsvine - Unpatriotic Mitt: "America's just another nation with a flag": "Yes, that’s what he said:

He also called for raising taxes and denounced fiscal responsibility as “heartless and immoral.”

Consider, then address specific arguments and ideas put forth by others, intelligently, rather than taking the easy route and attacking them personally. A "personal attack" is defined as directly or indirectly insulting another user (or group of users), oftentimes by name-calling, labeling, making sweeping generalizations or putting words into their mouth.

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Newsvine - Elevating Ignorance Comes Back To Bite The GOP

Newsvine - Elevating Ignorance Comes Back To Bite The GOP: "The conservative movement, particularly its modern American element, has celebrated ignorance. From Barry Goldwater’s support for using nuclear weapons in Vietnam to Sarah Palin describing “what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read?” as a “gotcha” question.

The pinnacle of conservative ignorance was, of course, the never-ending support of an obvious moron in the guise of George W. Bush for president. Watching the GOP campaign, they are now realizing they may have gone too far with putting stupid up on a pedestal:

Consider, then address specific arguments and ideas put forth by others, intelligently, rather than taking the easy route and attacking them personally. A "personal attack" is defined as directly or indirectly insulting another user (or group of users), oftentimes by name-calling, labeling, making sweeping generalizations or putting words into their mouth."

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Newsvine - @!$%# Herman Cain Says: Fear of a Foreign Doctor Edition ~~~ 'Hallelujah!' Cain says. 'Thank God!'

Newsvine - @!$%# Herman Cain Says: Fear of a Foreign Doctor Edition ~~~ 'Hallelujah!' Cain says. 'Thank God!': "Herman Cain during a stop at Orlando's eschatologically-correct Holy Land Experience theme park. ~~~ He did have a slight worry at one point during the chemotherapy process when he discovered that one of the surgeon's name was "Dr. Abdallah." ~~~ "I said to his physician assistant, I said, 'That sounds foreign--not that I had anything against foreign doctors--but it sounded too foreign," Cain tells the audience."

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Newsvine - Why Doesn't America Like Science? - Financial Times

Newsvine - Why Doesn't America Like Science? - Financial Times: "Thus far, just three of the eight potential Republican candidates have positively declared that they believe in the scientific basis for evolution. The rest have either hedged, or – like Rick Perry – claimed that evolution is just “a theory that is out there... [but] it’s got some gaps in it”. Meanwhile, Michele Bachmann, another contender, has actively called for creationism to be taught too, since she has similar doubts about the evolutionary science."

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Newsvine - Jon Kyl does Not Support extending Middle Class Payroll Tax Cut

Newsvine - Jon Kyl does Not Support extending Middle Class Payroll Tax Cut: "Senate Minority Whip, Jon Llewellyn Kyl, appearing on “Fox News Sunday,” said that he would not support extending the payroll tax cut before the end of this year.

The retiring Arizona senator, using the same old predictable strawman argument, claim that the payroll tax cut would significantly undermine the Social Security system. So according to Republican logic, privatizing and turning Social Security into a voucher program do not undermine the system, but temporary extension of payroll tax, for middle class, does? Go figure."

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A teen finds out what can happen when private photos go public - Miami-Dade -

A teen finds out what can happen when private photos go public - Miami-Dade - "Juan and Maria Varona of Miami are struggling through a situation no parent should ever have to wrestle with. Hackers have intruded into their lives, violated their daughter’s privacy. And they want others to know that it can happen to them, too.

About four years ago, their youngest child, Angie Varona, uploaded some photos to her private Photobucket account. Among the pictures: Angie posing in her bikini and in a bra and panties, images meant only for her then-boyfriend to see. She was 14 and brash — as many teens are at that age — without the foresight to suspect what could happen next.

“It was stupid,” Angie, now 18, says. “I guess I thought I looked appealing and sexy. My self esteem wasn’t what it should’ve been either.”"

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Deputies: Mother defending home shot, killed intruder |

Deputies: Mother defending home shot, killed intruder | "ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — A woman shot and killed a home invader after he opened fire and shot her in the arm, according the Orange County Sheriff's Office.
Deputies in Apopka said two armed men broke into a garage of a home on 18th Street and Leroy Court at about 12:30 a.m. on Friday and demanded money from the woman's boyfriend, Lionel Griffin.
Griffin said he gave them money, but they demanded more.
"I told the man, 'Please don't kill me man.' I gave them all I had. It's all I had," Griffin said.
The men then forced Griffin inside the home."

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Newsvine - Woman secretly saved sperm from condom and got pregnant, ex claims -

Newsvine - Woman secretly saved sperm from condom and got pregnant, ex claims - ""A gold digger is an understatement. She was trying to get community property and alimony. She's ruthless," he said.""

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Newsvine - Pakistani woman suspected of killing, cooking husband -

Newsvine - Pakistani woman suspected of killing, cooking husband -: " A Pakistani woman is being held on suspicion of killing her husband, cutting him up and trying to cook the pieces, Karachi police said Friday.

In an interview broadcast late Thursday, she claimed to have killed her husband because he wanted a physical relationship with their daughter -- and said she did not regret her actions.

"I killed my husband before he dared to touch my daughter," she told ARY News.


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Newsvine - Russian Anchor Taken Off Air for Giving the Finger During Obama Story

Newsvine - Russian Anchor Taken Off Air for Giving the Finger During Obama Story: "A famous Russian TV anchor has been taken off the air for making an obscene gesture after mentioning U.S. President Barack Obama in a live newscast, the channel said on Thursday.

Tatiana Limanova, an award-winning journalist and host of a news show on the REN-TV private channel, waved her middle finger when presenting a story about the APEC summit in the United States, a moment after mentioning Obama.

The video went viral on the internet, with many viewers speculating the gesture had been meant to insult the U.S. president, who met his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev on the sidelines of the summit."

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Newsvine - Blue Virginia:: Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) Calls Americans Lazy, Morally Bankrupt

Newsvine - Blue Virginia:: Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) Calls Americans Lazy, Morally Bankrupt: "Rick Perry's been leading GOP's false attacks on President Obama with a made-up story that Obama called Americans lazy. So why aren't Perry & friends attacking Rep. Paul Ryan (R-IL), who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, who actually did say Americans are lazy?

Part of it is the culture of people just having no work ethic.... Moral relativism has done so much damage to the bottom end of this country, the bottom fifth has been damaged by the culture of moral relativism more than by anything else, I would argue. If you ask me what the biggest problem in America is, I'm not going to tell you debt, deficits, statistics, economics - I'll tell you it's moral relativism."

'via Blog this' - Jack Soetopo - Jack Soetopo: "PROFILE
Jack Soetopo

Contact This Author
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Articles Posted: 42
Links Seeded: 181
Member Since: 5/2011Last Seen: 11/27/2011
Washington DC USA. Born in Bolaang Mongondow Regency, Dutch East Indies known as Indonesia."

'via Blog this' - Jack Soetopo - Jack Soetopo: "Fuel Consumption in Indonesia Predicted to Reach 41 Million Kiloliters -
Seeded on Sun Nov 27, 2011 4:38 PM EST ()
JAKARTA, - The government has projected subsidized fuel oil consumption to reach 41 million kiloliters this year, slightly higher than the target of 40.49 million kiloliters set under the revised 2011 state budget."The difference will not be large.

business, coordinating-ministry, bph-migas, bph-migas-chief-tubagus-haryono, downstream-oil, gas-regulatory-body
00 !

Elle Macpherson: "You Want Naked? I'll Give You Naked" -

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Newsvine - Fox News Tells OWS There's No Such Thing As Income Inequality

Newsvine - Fox News Tells OWS There's No Such Thing As Income Inequality: "This is what Fox and Friends guest Tony Katz has to say about income inequality, and the unemployed getting a job, “Well, it’s a twofold conversation. It’s never actually easy, but it’s impossible if you don’t look, and secondly, part of this conversation is that we’ve created, as Newt was alluding to, this fantasy world where kids go to college everything was paid for, it’s an unbelievably beautiful scene, and they expect everything to be handed to them when they leave college because they had professors who teach them that everything should be handed to you. When it’s not handed to them, they get upset and engage in this ridiculous conversation of income inequality.”"

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Newsvine - Thanks For The Memories: The Top Five Conservative Crazy Of 2011

Newsvine - Thanks For The Memories: The Top Five Conservative Crazy Of 2011: "What am I thankful for this year? I am thankful the conservative movement has stopped trying to pretend to be something that they are not.
Instead of masquerading as "compassionate conservatives" who want "clear skies," "personal retirement accounts," protect Medicare" and "tax relief" for all, today's conservative just lays it on the table:
Tax the poor. Deregulate the rich. Drill Baby Drill. Filibuster the jobs bills. And to hell with Social Security and Medicare.
Before we enter the sweeps month of the "GOP 2012" reality TV show -- when the crazy will be turned up to 11 -- let's pause before Thanksgiving, and give thanks for the many wonderful crazy moments conservatives have shared with us so far this year, so we all know exactly what conservatives would do to America if given the chance."

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Newsvine - The Supercommittee Failed Because Republicans Refused to Compromise

Newsvine - The Supercommittee Failed Because Republicans Refused to Compromise: "On Sept. 8, six Democrats and six Republicans sat down to breakfast at the first meeting of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction. We all knew that congressional gridlock had brought us together, but I arrived with high hopes that we would be able to make the tough decisions needed to address the twin challenges of job growth and deficit reduction. We did not succeed — and a huge opportunity was missed.

Our failure is being cast as the result of both parties refusing to give ground, and attempts at explanation are dismissed as partisan finger-pointing. That is a convenient narrative, but it ignores the facts.

Often in politics there is no objective measure for reasonable compromise. Fortunately, in this case the public has a measuring stick against which to judge competing claims. The recommendationsmade by the president’s bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform (known as Simpson-Bowles, after the Republican and Democratic co-chairs) provide a model for comparing the major plans offered by both sides during the supercommittee deliberations."

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Newsvine - Obama's toughest critic: Obama

Newsvine - Obama's toughest critic: Obama: "By Jennifer Epstein - President Barack Obama has plenty of critics — Republicans, liberals, the media — but the person hardest on the president, his administration and the Democratic Party is, at times, Barack Obama.

Obama has admitted that he’s “screwed up,” is “frustrated” and might only deserve one term in the White House. He’s acknowledged that he hasn’t fulfilled campaign promises and has admitted that the change he vowed to bring to Washington hasn’t arrived.

Whether the self-critiques are born of political savvy, humility or candor, they help establish the president as an honest, sympathetic figure heading into the 2012 election, a leader willing to acknowledge that the sky-high expectations for his 2008 hope-and-change campaign have fallen short in reality."

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Newsvine - Analysts dismiss Cain on black support

Newsvine - Analysts dismiss Cain on black support: "Republican U.S. presidential hopeful Herman Cain's assertion that he could win over black voters is being dismissed by political analysts.

In a recent mailer sent to Iowa voters, Cain says "as a descendent of slaves I can lead the Republican party to victory by garnering a large share of the black vote, something that has not been done since Dwight Eisenhower garnered 41 percent of the black vote in 1956."

Political analysts seem to agree it is unlikely that Cain will gain a following amongst black voters, The Washington Post reported."

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Newsvine - Politics Stops at the Water's Edge

Newsvine - Politics Stops at the Water's Edge: "Tuesday night was the tenth Republican presidential debate athis year nd the second to focus on national security and foreign policy. One would think that after this many discussions among the GOP aspirants, voters would have a clear sense of how a Republican commander-in-chief would deal with the myriad foreign-policy issues he (or she!) will find on his plate in January 2013.

Think again. Maybe this is the penalty one pays for watching too many of these dog-and-pony shows; maybe it was the numerous and occasionally inane questions about foreign-policy topics that seemed more relevant two election cycles ago (TSA patdowns? Really?); or maybe it was the parade of former Bush administration officials asking questions (David Addington and Mark Thiessen both weighed in; apparently John Yoo had made other plans)."

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Newsvine - Megyn Kelly Told to Eat Her Words: Petition Calls for Fox News Host to Consume a 'Full Dose of Pepper Spray' on TV

Newsvine - Megyn Kelly Told to Eat Her Words: Petition Calls for Fox News Host to Consume a 'Full Dose of Pepper Spray' on TV: "On the petition’s page, [New Yorker Nick] Douglas wrote:

Ms. Kelly, on November 21, you told Bill O’Reilly that pepper spray (as used by Lt. John Pike to assault the UC Davis protestors) is “a food product, essentially.” That was, of course, ridiculous.

While you allowed that the spray was “abrasive and intrusive”, you wondered if it had been diluted (reportedly, it hadn’t).

To back up your claim that pepper spray is a food product, please consume as much of it as was sprayed on each protestor’s face, in one sitting, on camera at Fox News. You may mix the spray with one serving of food or drink, as I am not a sadist. Then, please relate the effects to your audience."

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Newsvine - 'No hiring until Obama's gone': Company owner declares new policy- on his bumper stickers

Newsvine - 'No hiring until Obama's gone': Company owner declares new policy- on his bumper stickers: "Bill Looman emblazoned his company trucks with stickers broadcasting the bold message 'New company policy. We are not hiring until Obama is gone.'

Looman, who owns the company U.S. Cranes, LLC, in Georgia, claims that in the desperate economic climate he cant afford to take on any more employees.

He told 11Alive: 'I've got people that I want to hire now, but I just can't afford it. And I don't foresee that I'll be able to afford it unless some things change in D.C.'"

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Newsvine - Gingrich says atheists can't be trusted, disregards 50 million secular Americans

Newsvine - Gingrich says atheists can't be trusted, disregards 50 million secular Americans: "Gingrich made the anti-atheist statements October 18 at the Republican presidential debate in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Gingrich, a former U.S. Representative and 58th Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, said an atheist has no business in the White House. “Does faith matter? Absolutely,” Gingrich said. “How can you have judgment if you have no faith? How can I trust you with power if you don’t pray?” He continued, “the notion that you are endowed by your creator sets a certain boundary of what we mean by America.” Gingrich said that Americans should value religion first, above morality and knowledge.

Gingrich’s statements encourage precisely the type of mingling of religion and politics that threatens the secular character of our government and is counter to the Constitution Gingrich has in the past pledged to uphold. Unfortunately, not a single one of the Republican candidates on stage dissented from Gingrich’s statements."

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