
Sunday, November 27, 2011

A teen finds out what can happen when private photos go public - Miami-Dade -

A teen finds out what can happen when private photos go public - Miami-Dade - "Juan and Maria Varona of Miami are struggling through a situation no parent should ever have to wrestle with. Hackers have intruded into their lives, violated their daughter’s privacy. And they want others to know that it can happen to them, too.

About four years ago, their youngest child, Angie Varona, uploaded some photos to her private Photobucket account. Among the pictures: Angie posing in her bikini and in a bra and panties, images meant only for her then-boyfriend to see. She was 14 and brash — as many teens are at that age — without the foresight to suspect what could happen next.

“It was stupid,” Angie, now 18, says. “I guess I thought I looked appealing and sexy. My self esteem wasn’t what it should’ve been either.”"

'via Blog this'

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