
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Newsvine - Megyn Kelly Told to Eat Her Words: Petition Calls for Fox News Host to Consume a 'Full Dose of Pepper Spray' on TV

Newsvine - Megyn Kelly Told to Eat Her Words: Petition Calls for Fox News Host to Consume a 'Full Dose of Pepper Spray' on TV: "On the petition’s page, [New Yorker Nick] Douglas wrote:

Ms. Kelly, on November 21, you told Bill O’Reilly that pepper spray (as used by Lt. John Pike to assault the UC Davis protestors) is “a food product, essentially.” That was, of course, ridiculous.

While you allowed that the spray was “abrasive and intrusive”, you wondered if it had been diluted (reportedly, it hadn’t).

To back up your claim that pepper spray is a food product, please consume as much of it as was sprayed on each protestor’s face, in one sitting, on camera at Fox News. You may mix the spray with one serving of food or drink, as I am not a sadist. Then, please relate the effects to your audience."

'via Blog this'

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