
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Newsvine - Obama's toughest critic: Obama

Newsvine - Obama's toughest critic: Obama: "By Jennifer Epstein - President Barack Obama has plenty of critics — Republicans, liberals, the media — but the person hardest on the president, his administration and the Democratic Party is, at times, Barack Obama.

Obama has admitted that he’s “screwed up,” is “frustrated” and might only deserve one term in the White House. He’s acknowledged that he hasn’t fulfilled campaign promises and has admitted that the change he vowed to bring to Washington hasn’t arrived.

Whether the self-critiques are born of political savvy, humility or candor, they help establish the president as an honest, sympathetic figure heading into the 2012 election, a leader willing to acknowledge that the sky-high expectations for his 2008 hope-and-change campaign have fallen short in reality."

'via Blog this'

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