
Monday, November 28, 2011

Ex-Indonesian Official Guilty in Used Train Case -

Ex-Indonesian Official Guilty in Used Train Case - "JAKARTA, — An Indonesian anti-corruption court has found a former railways official guilty of improperly procuring 60 used trains from a Japanese firm.

Former Director General Soemino Eko Saputro of the Transportation Ministry was sentenced Monday to three years in jail and fined $11,000 for obtaining the trains in 2006 and 2007 using a no-bid process.

Presiding judge Marsudin Nainggolan said the actions of the official — who along with others benefited from the deal financially — cost Indonesia around $2.26 million.

Three Japanese defendants from Sumitomo Corp. face similar charges over the case at home. The advocacy group Transparency International regularly lists Indonesia as among the most corrupt nations"

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